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Rave About Skin Blog

One Step Towards Wellness

In my first blog post, I asked you to think about small steps you could take that would make a great impact on your life and health; transforming negative energy into positive energy, how’s that coming along? By no means is this an easy task but we must practice in the direction of improving our health one step and one day at a time.

Young men are more likely to die from Melanoma. Does this motivate you?

I read an article yesterday about some new research that looked at mortality rates among white men and women diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer. The study included 26,000 young men and women ages 15-39 diagnosed with Melanoma between 1989 and 2009. Research showed the mortality rate for men was higher than for women. Even in patients with the thinnest tumors, men were still twice as likely to die when compared to their female counterparts!

I find that most interesting and alarming at the same time!

why do you think that is?
