Consumer Reports Magazine recently took the stance warning against the use of spray on sunscreens by children or by adults on children. They even went so far as to remove a sunscreen product from their recommended sunscreens list because it is a spray marketed for children.
Some reasons of concern
- spray on sunscreens being aerosol products may place children at risk for developing respiratory symptoms, allergy or asthma attacks if their particles are inhaled
- difficulty knowing whether one has applied enough product to provide proper sun protection coverage
- their flammability
The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) and Skin Cancer Foundation recommend never spraying sunscreen around or near the face or mouth. They say to help avoid inhaling fumes, sunscreen should be sprayed into the hands before applying. When applying sunscreens on children, adults should be aware of the wind direction to avoid inhaling fumes.
The Food and Drug Administration is still researching the matter so no official statements out yet.
Personally, spray on sunscreens are just a part of my sunscreen arsenal in addition to sunscreen lotions, creams, sunsticks, clothing, UV glasses and hats. To help myself avoid inhaling fumes (indoors or outdoors), I actually spray the product and walk several feet away to rub the sunscreen in. I'm prone to using sunscreen sprays when it comes to the arms and lower extremities, but I can't say it's the product I use the majority of the time.
What’s your take on spray on sunscreens? How do you use them?